Since this is my first true blog other than the test one I am going to write about the week I just had, and hopefully for a few of you get you to change your habits just a bit.
Well as usual my week starts on Monday, just like everyone else, I would like to go on the record saying I truly hate Monday's and it seems like last Monday would solidify my true dislike for them, so onto my hell week.
It seems to be a normal day I wake up start coffee, wake the kids up, get breakfast ready, get them dressed, and start their homeschool day, all normal. Later on I call my mom, and I find out she is going to the doctor that day, oh yes everyone this is where it starts to get good, so I ask her why she has to go to the doctor and she says well, since her surgery on her legs for her varicose vein issue she has had problems breathing, of course the first thing I do is ask for how long and she replies for about a week or more, I tell her to never wait that long it could be a clot, we all know that most pulmonary embolisms start in the veins of the legs, and having had surgery I am freaking. Now, keep in mind I cannot go with my mom she lives about 550 miles away so I make her promise to call me after she speaks with the doc. Time goes by no call, as I sit at my oldest son's football practice I call her. She informs me that she has to get x-rays, ct scans, and blood work the next day,now on top of my mom having just had surgery, she also in a short amount of time has lost 20 pounds and she has not tried to or changed anything about her lifestyle, what I have failed to mention so far is she is a smoker and has been since she has been 15, and is now 54. What I find out from her is she is being tested for lung cancer, and the doctor is leaning towards this diagnoses, she has been keeping her ill health from me for quite sometime. I automatically freak, and think of all the what ifs, and I start to pray, I pray that there is no cancer, and I pray that if he has to teach her a lesson please let in be COPD, and not the big C. I knew the next 24-48 hours would be hell on everyone that loves her. I started to think about curling up in the bend of her legs as a little girl, and all the laughs we had as I got older, and I started wondering how I was going to watch my mom die all because of cigarettes and her inability to quit all this time. I found myself feeling as if I was being cheated out of having my mom in my life, and how my children would never truly know how great of a person my mom really is. I was finding myself mad at my mom for putting me through this worry, and I felt bad for being mad at her. So Tuesday comes around after a night of no sleep, tears, and puffy eyes, I call my mom and she is getting ready to go to get the tests done, and I just kept telling her I loved her,and it was all going to work out. Mom gets the tests done the doctor puts a stat order on them, and what happens he is not in the office that day, so its another long waiting game, and the only thing they are able to say is no blood clot in her lung, another day of worry, another night of no sleep, and here comes Wednesday, I know this is the big day, I find out if she is going to live or if she was going to die a horrible painful death. My phone rings at 9:30 am and it is my mom, the doctor read her scans and no cancer, I thought I would smile, I cried, I cried tears of relief and it took awhile to sink in because even though it was only a couple days of worry every thought goes through your mind, and not one good.
My mom is now being treated for COPD, she is going to get better with time, she has quit smoking and I am so proud, I really think it was a wake-up call for her, and for that she is blessed and so are we. Now, here goes my little speech on smoking. I smoked off and on for a few years, and I quit over 2 I know how hard it is to quit, but no one said life if easy. I wanted to live and be healthy for my kids, and myself. If you are a smoker please know what I just described my mom going through will happen to you, and if you have people that love you, how I described how I felt, they your loved ones will feel. If you don't love yourself enough to quit, do it for them, don't let them feel those awful feelings, but if you are taking the steps to go to school to better yourself, that tells me you do care.
My week ended on a positive note though, my oldest son's team is number one in the region, and he has a good chance of obtaining a high school football championship, how wonderful is that to put on his college application?
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